A DOM Level 3 Events implementation for openFrameworks.
ofx::DOM::Document Class Reference

The Document represents the root DOM Element in an DOM tree. More...

#include <Document.h>

Inheritance diagram for ofx::DOM::Document:
ofx::DOM::Element ofx::DOM::EventTarget< Element >

Public Member Functions

 Document ()
 Create a default Document. More...
virtual ~Document ()
 Destroy the Document.
void setup (ofEventArgs &e)
 Callback for the setup event. More...
void update (ofEventArgs &e)
 Callback for the update event. More...
void draw (ofEventArgs &e)
 Callback for the draw event. More...
void exit (ofEventArgs &e)
 Callback for the exit event. More...
void windowResized (ofResizeEventArgs &e)
 Callback for the window resized event. More...
bool fileDragEvent (ofDragInfo &e)
 Callback for file drag events. More...
bool onKeyEvent (ofKeyEventArgs &e)
 Callback for key events events. More...
void setAutoFillScreen (bool autoFillScreen)
 Determine if the Document size should always match the screen size. More...
bool getAutoFillScreen () const
bool onPointerEvent (PointerEventArgs &e)
 Callback for pointer events. More...
void setPointerCaptureForElement (Element *element, std::size_t id)
 Set a pointer capture on a given Element. More...
void releasePointerCaptureForElement (Element *element, std::size_t id)
 Release a pointer capture on a given Element. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ofx::DOM::Element
 Element (float x, float y, float width, float height)
 Construct a new Element with the given parameters. More...
 Element (const std::string &id, float x, float y, float width, float height)
 Construct a new Element with the given parameters. More...
virtual ~Element ()
 Destroy the Element.
template<typename ElementType >
ElementType * addChild (std::unique_ptr< ElementType > element)
 Take ownership of the passed std::unique_ptr<Element>. More...
template<typename ElementType , typename... Args>
ElementType * addChild (Args &&...args)
 Create a child using a templated Element type. More...
std::unique_ptr< ElementremoveChild (Element *element)
 Release ownership of a child Element. More...
void moveToFront ()
 Move this Element in front of all of its siblings.
void moveForward ()
 Move this Element in front of its next sibling.
void moveToBack ()
 Move this Element in back of all of its siblings.
void moveBackward ()
 Move this Element in back of its next sibling.
void moveChildToIndex (Element *element, std::size_t index)
 Move the given Element to the the given index. More...
void moveChildToFront (Element *element)
 Move the given Element in front of all of its siblings. More...
void moveChildForward (Element *element)
 Move the given Element in front of its next sibling. More...
void moveChildToBack (Element *element)
 Move the given Element in back of all of its siblings. More...
void moveChildBackward (Element *element)
 Move the given Element in back of its next sibling. More...
bool isChild (Element *element) const
 Determine if the given Element is a child of this Element. More...
bool isSibling (Element *element) const
 Determine if the given Element is a sibling of this Element. More...
std::size_t numSiblings () const
std::vector< Element * > siblings ()
template<typename ElementType >
std::vector< ElementType * > siblings ()
 Get a list of siblings of a given Element or Element subclass. More...
bool isParent (Element *element) const
 Determine if the given Element is the parent of this Element. More...
std::size_t numChildren () const
std::vector< Element * > children ()
 Get a list of pointers to the child elements. More...
template<typename ElementType >
std::vector< ElementType * > children ()
 Get a list of pointers to the child elements. More...
bool hasParent () const
 Determine if this Element has a parent Element. More...
ElementfindFirstChildById (const std::string &id)
 Find this Element's first child by its id. More...
std::vector< Element * > findChildrenById (const std::string &id)
 Find all of this Element's matching the given id. More...
Elementparent ()
 Get a pointer to the parent. More...
const Elementparent () const
 Get a pointer to the parent. More...
Documentdocument ()
 Get a pointer to the parent Document. More...
const Documentdocument () const
 Get a pointer to the parent Document. More...
template<typename LayoutType , typename... Args>
LayoutType * createLayout (Args &&...args)
 Create a Layout using a templated Layout type. More...
template<typename LayoutType >
LayoutType * setLayout (std::unique_ptr< LayoutType > layout)
 Take ownership of the passed std::unique_ptr<Layout>. More...
std::unique_ptr< LayoutremoveLayout ()
 Release ownership of the Layout. More...
Layoutlayout ()
 Get a pointer to the associated Layout. More...
virtual bool hitTest (const Position &parentPosition) const
 Perform a hit test on the Element. More...
virtual bool childHitTest (const Position &localPosition) const
 Perform a hit test on a child Element. More...
Position localToScreen (const Position &localPosition) const
 Convert the local coordinates to screen coordinates. More...
Position screenToLocal (const Position &screenPosition) const
 Convert the screen coordinates to local coordinates. More...
Position parentToScreen (const Position &parentPosition) const
 Convert the parent coordinates to screen coordinates. More...
Position screenToParent (const Position &screenPosition) const
 Convert the screen coordinates to parent coordinates. More...
void setPosition (float x, float y)
 Set the position of the Element in its parent coordinates. More...
void setPosition (const Position &position)
 Set the position of the Element in its parent coordinates. More...
Position getPosition () const
 Get the position of the Element in its parent coordinates. More...
float getX () const
 Get the X position of the Element in its parent coordinates. More...
float getY () const
 Get the Y position of the Element in its parent coordinates. More...
Position getScreenPosition () const
 Get the Position of the Element in screen coordinates. More...
float getScreenX () const
 Get the X position of the Element in screen coordinates. More...
float getScreenY () const
 Get the Y position of the Element in screen coordinates. More...
void setSize (float width, float height)
 Set the size of the Element. More...
Size getSize () const
 Get the Size of the Element. More...
float getWidth () const
 Get the width of the Element. More...
float getHeight () const
 Get the height of the Element. More...
Geometry getGeometry () const
 Get the geometry of the Element in its parent coordinates. More...
void setGeometry (const Geometry &geometry)
 Set the geometry of the Element in its parent coordinates. More...
Geometry getChildGeometry () const
 Get the bounding box representing all child elements. More...
Geometry getTotalGeometry () const
 Get the bounding box representing the union of the child geometry and the element geometry. More...
std::string getId () const
 Get the id of this Element. More...
void setId (const std::string &id)
 Set the id of the Element. More...
bool hasAttribute (const std::string &name) const
 Determine of the Element has an attribute with the given name. More...
template<typename AnyType >
AnyType getAttribute (const std::string &key, bool inherit=false) const
 Get a named attribute via its key. More...
void setAttribute (const std::string &name, const Any &value)
 Set a value for a named attribute. More...
void clearAttribute (const std::string &name)
 Clear a named attribute. More...
void setPointerCapture (std::size_t id)
 Request that the parent Document capture the given pointer id. More...
void releasePointerCapture (std::size_t id)
 Release a captured pointer with the given id. More...
bool isEnabled () const
void setEnabled (bool enabled)
 Enable or disable this Element. More...
bool isHidden () const
void setHidden (bool hidden)
 Hide or show this Element. More...
bool isLocked () const
void setLocked (bool locked)
 Lock or unlock a this Element. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ofx::DOM::EventTarget< Element >
 EventTarget ()
 Create an EventTarget.
virtual ~EventTarget ()
 Destroy the EventTarget.
void addEventListener (EventType &event, void(ListenerClass::*listenerMethod)(const void *, ArgumentsType &), bool useCapture=false, int priority=OF_EVENT_ORDER_AFTER_APP)
void addEventListener (EventType &event, void(ListenerClass::*listenerMethod)(ArgumentsType &), bool useCapture=false, int priority=OF_EVENT_ORDER_AFTER_APP)
void addEventListener (EventType &event, bool(ListenerClass::*listenerMethod)(const void *, ArgumentsType &), bool useCapture=false, int priority=OF_EVENT_ORDER_AFTER_APP)
void addEventListener (EventType &event, bool(ListenerClass::*listenerMethod)(ArgumentsType &), bool useCapture=false, int priority=OF_EVENT_ORDER_AFTER_APP)
void removeEventListener (EventType &event, void(ListenerClass::*listenerMethod)(const void *, ArgumentsType &), bool useCapture=false, int priority=OF_EVENT_ORDER_AFTER_APP)
void removeEventListener (EventType &event, void(ListenerClass::*listenerMethod)(ArgumentsType &), bool useCapture=false, int priority=OF_EVENT_ORDER_AFTER_APP)
void removeEventListener (EventType &event, bool(ListenerClass::*listenerMethod)(const void *, ArgumentsType &), bool useCapture=false, int priority=OF_EVENT_ORDER_AFTER_APP)
void removeEventListener (EventType &event, bool(ListenerClass::*listenerMethod)(ArgumentsType &), bool useCapture=false, int priority=OF_EVENT_ORDER_AFTER_APP)
bool dispatchEvent (EventType &event)
 Dispatch the given event. More...
bool handleEvent (EventArgsType &e)
 Handle the given event. More...
bool hasListenersForEventType (const std::string &type) const
 Determine if the EventTarget has listeners for an event. More...
bool isEventTypeRegistered (const std::string &type) const
 Determine if the EventTarget is registered to receive the type of events. More...
void registerEventType (const std::string &type, BaseDOMEvent *event)
 Register a new event type by name. More...
void unregisterEventType (const std::string &type)
 Unregister a new event type by name. More...
virtual void onSetup ()
virtual void onUpdate ()
virtual void onDraw () const
virtual void onExit ()

Protected Types

typedef std::unordered_map< std::size_t, Element * > PointerElementMap
 Map pointer ids to Elements.

Protected Attributes

bool _autoFillScreen = true
 True if the Document size should always match the screen size.
PointerElementMap _capturedPointerIdToElementMap
 Captured pointer and their capture target.
PointerElementMap _activeTargets
 Currently active targets for given pointer ids. More...
std::unordered_map< std::size_t, PointerEventArgs > _activePointers
 Currently active pointers and their last associated event. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from ofx::DOM::EventTarget< Element >
std::unordered_map< std::string, BaseDOMEvent * > _eventRegistry

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from ofx::DOM::EventTarget< Element >
DOMEvent< PointerUIEventArgspointerOver
DOMEvent< PointerUIEventArgspointerEnter
DOMEvent< PointerUIEventArgspointerDown
DOMEvent< PointerUIEventArgspointerMove
DOMEvent< PointerUIEventArgspointerUp
DOMEvent< PointerUIEventArgspointerCancel
DOMEvent< PointerUIEventArgspointerOut
DOMEvent< PointerUIEventArgspointerLeave
DOMEvent< PointerUIEventArgspointerScroll
DOMEvent< PointerCaptureUIEventArgsgotPointerCapture
DOMEvent< PointerCaptureUIEventArgslostPointerCapture
DOMEvent< KeyboardUIEventArgskeyDown
DOMEvent< KeyboardUIEventArgskeyUp
DOMEvent< FocusEventArgsblur
DOMEvent< FocusEventArgsfocusIn
DOMEvent< FocusEventArgsfocus
DOMEvent< FocusEventArgsfocusOut
ofEvent< ElementEventArgsaddedTo
ofEvent< ElementEventArgsremovedFrom
ofEvent< ElementOrderEventArgsreordered
ofEvent< ElementEventArgssiblingAdded
ofEvent< ElementEventArgssiblingRemoved
ofEvent< ElementOrderEventArgssiblingReordered
ofEvent< ElementEventArgschildAdded
ofEvent< ElementEventArgschildRemoved
ofEvent< ElementOrderEventArgschildReordered
ofEvent< MoveEventArgsmove
ofEvent< ResizeEventArgsresize
ofEvent< AttributeEventArgsattributeSet
ofEvent< AttributeEventArgsattributeCleared
ofEvent< EnablerEventArgsenabled
ofEvent< EnablerEventArgslocked
ofEvent< EnablerEventArgshidden
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ofx::DOM::Element
void _setup (ofEventArgs &e)
 Setup method called by parent Element. More...
void _update (ofEventArgs &e)
 Update method called by parent Element. More...
void _draw (ofEventArgs &e)
 Draw method called by parent Element. More...
void _exit (ofEventArgs &e)
 Exit method called by parent Element. More...
ElementrecursiveHitTest (const Position &parentPosition)
 A recursive hit test to find a target element. More...
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< Element > >::iterator findChild (Element *element)
 Find a child by a raw Element pointer. More...
bool isPointerCaptured (std::size_t id) const
 Determine if a given pointer id is captured. More...
std::vector< CapturedPointer >::iterator findCapturedPointerById (std::size_t id)
 Find the given CapturePointer info by id. More...
std::vector< CapturedPointer >::const_iterator findCapturedPointerById (std::size_t id) const
 Find the given CapturePointer info by id. More...
std::vector< CapturedPointer > & capturedPointers ()
 Get a reference to the captured pointer vector. More...
const std::vector< CapturedPointer > & capturedPointers () const
 Get a reference to the captured pointer vector. More...
virtual void invalidateChildGeometry () const
 Called internally to invalidate the child geometry tree.
void setImplicitPointerCapture (bool implicitPointerCapture)
 Set if the pointer is implicitly captured on pointer down. More...
bool getImplicitPointerCapture () const
 Determine if pointer is automatically captured on pointer down. More...

Detailed Description

The Document represents the root DOM Element in an DOM tree.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ofx::DOM::Document::Document ( )

Create a default Document.

The Document will have the default id of "document" and will fill the entire screen.

Member Function Documentation

void ofx::DOM::Document::draw ( ofEventArgs &  e)

Callback for the draw event.

ethe event data.
void ofx::DOM::Document::exit ( ofEventArgs &  e)

Callback for the exit event.

ethe event data.
bool ofx::DOM::Document::fileDragEvent ( ofDragInfo &  e)

Callback for file drag events.

ethe event data.
true iff the event was handled.
bool ofx::DOM::Document::getAutoFillScreen ( ) const
true if the Document size will always match the screen size.
bool ofx::DOM::Document::onKeyEvent ( ofKeyEventArgs &  e)

Callback for key events events.

ethe event data.
true iff the event was handled.
bool ofx::DOM::Document::onPointerEvent ( PointerEventArgs &  e)

Callback for pointer events.

eThe PointerEventArgs.
true if the event was handled.
Implement way to call default action if the event is not handled.

pointerout, pointerleave, pointerover and pointer enter events will

void ofx::DOM::Document::releasePointerCaptureForElement ( Element element,
std::size_t  id 

Release a pointer capture on a given Element.

elementA pointer to the capturing Element.
idThe pointer id to release.
DOMExceptionon invalid DOM state or pointer id.
void ofx::DOM::Document::setAutoFillScreen ( bool  autoFillScreen)

Determine if the Document size should always match the screen size.

trueif if the Document size should always match the screen size.
void ofx::DOM::Document::setPointerCaptureForElement ( Element element,
std::size_t  id 

Set a pointer capture on a given Element.

elementA pointer to the capturing Element.
idThe pointer id to capture.
DOMExceptionon invalid DOM state or pointer id.
void ofx::DOM::Document::setup ( ofEventArgs &  e)

Callback for the setup event.

ethe event data.
void ofx::DOM::Document::update ( ofEventArgs &  e)

Callback for the update event.

ethe event data.
void ofx::DOM::Document::windowResized ( ofResizeEventArgs &  e)

Callback for the window resized event.

ethe event data.

Member Data Documentation

std::unordered_map<std::size_t, PointerEventArgs> ofx::DOM::Document::_activePointers

Currently active pointers and their last associated event.

This map is a basic list of the pointers that we know about.

For pointers that support hovering (e.g. mouse, trackball, etc) the pointer's id will always be active. For pointers that do not support hovering (e.g. multi-touch surfaces) the pointer ids will only be recorded until they leave the surface via a pointerup or pointercancel event.

PointerElementMap ofx::DOM::Document::_activeTargets

Currently active targets for given pointer ids.

It is not required that these targets are captured, only that they passed a hit test. This is used for doing pointer in / pointer out, etc when the pointer isn't captured (e.g. mouse over, etc).

In some cases, an active target may be a nullptr, meaning that the last pointer event could not be handled by any Element in the Document tree. This may happen, for instance, if the root Document does not cover the entire screen and we receive an event that falls outside.

We still keep track of these events in order to correctly generate various synthesized events and gestures.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: